Accessibility 101 – Web Content Guidelines
Let’s talk mechanics.
Can a customer who is blind access you website or apply for a job? Learn the nuts and bolts of incorporating WCAG 2.0 standards and W3C recommendations for accessibility on your site. Ensure that controls, navigations and forms can be operated and understood by every visitor, including those who use assistive technology, and that input assistance is available when mistakes happen. We cover all the bases.
- Non-text content
- Audio and video-only media
- Captions
- Sign language
- Alternative presentations of information
- Use of color
- Resizing text
- Universal navigation
- Keyboard functionality
- Time requirements
- Non-seizure-causing content
Content accessibility on the web like it’s meant to be done.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Principles of Incorporating WCAG 2.0 Standards – W3C Recommendations
Principle 1: Perceivable
-Alternative text
-Adaptable content
-Distinguishable content
Principle 2: Operable
– Enough Time to read information
– How to design without cause of seizures
– Navigable
Principle 3: Understandable
– Readable
– Predictable- Input Assistance
Principle 4: Robust
– Compatible