Disability Etiquette Training for Customers, Co-workers, and Employees


Here is what you will learn: Whenever we interact with individuals who we think may have a disability – it can take us out of our comfort zone. The fact is that when we are unsure of how to respectfully engage with members of this group, we may avoid making contact and miss out on the benefit of meeting, hiring or selling to these individuals. In this learning module, we will provide some basic information to help you increase your comfort when you meet an individual with a disability.


Module 1 – Overview and Defining Individuals with Disabilities
Module 2 – Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Module 3 – Etiquette Surrounding Interacting with Individuals with Sensory Disabilities


Length of the course: 3 separate modules, 12-15 minutes in length, interactive and provides 3 questions at the end of each module.

Objective: Building a fundamental understanding and corporate culture which supports and models inclusion for individuals with disabilities. Establishing appropriate communication guidelines. Creating a comfortable environment and positive experience. This course was developed for co-workers, servicing customers with disabilities and support roles in organizations.


Training Topics

  • Learn about myths, fears and attitude barriers
  • Learn how to see beyond the disability and focus on ability
  • Learn what you can and cannot say or do – disability etiquette tips
  • Learn how to communicate through an interpreter
  • Learn about service animal etiquette
  • Learn how you can make a difference
  • Learn how to build a fully inclusive culture


Potential Outcomes:

  • Enhance communication with people who have disabilities, both employees and current and prospective customers.
  • Reduce the barriers and increase the understanding of people with disabilities.
  • Sensitize personnel to the issue of disability.
  • Facilitate open communication regarding employment issues for people with disabilities.
  • Build a sustainable inclusive culture of respect for all.
  • Be recognized for socially responsible business practices.