Training Built on

Expert Experience


Flexible. Convenient. Interactive.

View presentations on training topics and trends by top HirePotential instructors and disability experts. HirePotential webinars offer a full curriculum with the flexibility to train remote teams and large groups all at once. Our live webinars are engaging, provide realistic scenarios and leave you with your questions answered. Certified by the HR Certification Institute, each 60 to 90 minute session is available on a range of topics. Choose from a variety of individual live training webinars that are customizable to fit your company’s needs, or a selection of pre-packaged live webinar series.

Benefits of our Learning Academy Webinars presented by the top experts in the industry

  • Flexible
  • Convenient
  • Productive
  • Interactive
  • Customizable


Choose from our innovative Live Webinar Trainings

Our live webinar training include a choice of individual and/or a series of pro-rated bundles to choose from. Topics include:

Download and view an outline of all of our Webinar Trainings

Certified & Customizable Webinars

HirePotential webinars are designed for smaller groups of up to 25 participants and are completely customizable with your look, feel and messaging. These highly engaging 60-90 minute sessions are certified by the HR Certification Institute and provide realistic, practical scenarios on a wide range of topics. Webinar participants get all the essential information they need to know—at a fraction of the cost—and walk away with all of their questions answered.

“… I particularly appreciate your ability to customize the curriculum to directly address our training goals and provide the necessary education our employees required… I highly recommend HirePotential to any organization that needs Disability Awareness Training.”

Client Manager, International Fortune 500 Company